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Night Markets at Krabi – II

Other night market of Krabi or Part I is here.

This night market (pasar malam) on Maharaj Soi 10 in the centre of town is not very far from river Krabi. Off the main road and near the central Songthaew station, this is actually a weekend market. Every weekend (Friday till Sunday), the market starts at 5 PM and goes on till 10:30.

Bigger in size compared to first one, this is the night market to head for if you are looking for more than just food. It has lots of things for sale. From clothes of all kinds (T-shirts, ladies dresses, lingerie) to hand made stylish bags, souvenirs to footwear … you’ll find everything here.
You can get a Thai massage done on a pavement or a manicure/pedicure starting from 50 THB. Get a temporary tattoo done or a 10 minute caricature.

School children playing music and collecting money from passersby.

Every evening there is a stage performance by local artists. And there are others who sing or play some musical instruments to earn a few bucks.

A stunt artist plays with fire and engages the crowd.

Food is good, authentic and cheap mostly with Muslim influences. And so this market does not sell alcohol. The very reason you’ll find myriad versions of drinks… from herbal to fresh fruit juices. There are stalls for genuine sushi food as well.
And if you dare, try out the delicacy of deep fried crickets here.
Also, you won’t find menu cards so best option is to point to your choice and enjoy. 😀

Ready to be picked, mouth watering food on display.

And what’s this? Idly with yolk ?

night weekend market krabi

It’s hard to find a place to sit while enjoying the stage performance.

And on weekdays, the market turns into a fruit… &

…. & flower market.

On weekdays it becomes a fruit and flower market. There are also stalls selling local fruits including the famous Durian. However remember that the Durian is prohibited in many hotels for the foul smell it emits. 😛

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n j j

19 thoughts on “Night Markets at Krabi – II”

  1. Did you ever try the durian? I can’t remember if you said you did. I loved the pic with all the fruit in it– oh my, made my mouth water and made me wish for some great Tropical fruit. 🙂
    .-= anjuli´s last [post] ..Seattle and Music =-.

  2. Anjuli,
    No !!
    They smell horrible. There was a big stall in Cameron Highlands which was selling only Durian and boy !! His shop was so busy. I had to cross it every time I stepped out of my lodge (outing, lunch, dinner etc ) and it must have been a scene to watch me running as soon as I neared that place. 😛

    But I was very much enjoying other tropical fruits including Tembikai. 😀

    P.S. – I am reading all your posts thru reader. And on today’s post, the handsome guy is looking dashing. Don’t want to take his name here. 🙂
    .-= Nisha´s last [post] ..Night Markets at Krabi – II =-.

  3. Mee,
    That’s great. Let me know some places please. On my next visit I’ll explore some. Don’t tell me China town in KL though. 😛

    Well, I have been to Malaysia only thrice. 🙁

  4. In Petalingjaya where I spent much time I’d spend hours at Giant super market, spend hours at Starbucks watching the world go by, would spend wkends at Tesco and the shops inside the malls there, bargain with cabbies smetimes and if vry tired just agree to the fare and quietly get home. We have a condo there- so much of the dining, swimming etc is within the complex and one doesn’t have to go venture out often:)
    .-= Mee´s last [post] ..Impossibly green and alive – Meghalaya =-.

  5. It is so interesting that a marketplace has so many activities that bring people together, that make it more than just a ‘place of exchange of goods’. Enjoyed reading your post!

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