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Events, happenings, invitations….

Bloggers opinion on TBEX ASIA 2015

Bloggers opinion on TBEX ASIA 2015

Twice before I had planned and booked for TBEX and twice I have been deprived of the opportunity for some reason or the other. I was third time lucky! At last it was TBEX ASIA at Bangkok Thailand !
As a newbie to this event I was apprehensive about what I would do and whom I shall meet. Eventually I decided to keep my mind open and take it as it comes. I must say, I had a fantastic time and I strive to put to pen my sentiments and those of my friends.

I have also captured a few things that could be improved. Mind you, I am not on a fault finding expedition here, just a little something so that TBEX becomes THE event for bloggers around the world. Following are the views by fifteen bloggers of different countries who attended the event. Most of them are of the same view, while some responses are very interesting. 😀

ASEAN tourism to pickup for Indians

On 26th August 2015, Representatives of 10 ASEAN countries joined together to inaugurate the Indian edition of ASEAN Promotional Chapter for Tourism (APCT). This forum has been formed to leverage the incredible tourism potential in this region. The nations in this forum are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

ASEAN officials

We were invited for this event and if you

Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards MITBCA

As you all know, I was invited by the ministry of Tourism, Malaysia to present a paper in the conference Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards MITBCA.
It was a wonderful experience. I got to meet so many people whom till now I knew only virtually. Shared and learnt many experiences and tips as well. It was a two day conference with emphasis on movement of social media in travel and leisure industry.

Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards MITBCA

The Tourism minister with the speakers. Can you guess which one is me? 🙂

Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards MITBCA

I am with the Tourism Minister YB Dato’ Dr Ng Yen Yen, posing for the photographers. 🙂

The topics at Malaysian International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards MITBCA ranged from