The Wanderlust bug!
I don’t know when I contracted this deadly and incurable condition, but I am not complaining. I was probably born with it and it just took over my body and soul at some point in time. I know I am not the only one. There are many out there afflicted with this, irrespective of the gender, nationality or creed and I know a few of them too, who have given up everything else to dedicate themselves to this condition known as travelling. Yes I am talking about the TRUE WANDERER bug.

I guess, the earliest signs of the travelers syndrome was that I would start day-dreaming on a seeing a beautiful picture or scenes from movies. In my mind’s eye I would see me frolicking in those places and would imagine stories around the main character, that’s me.

They are all bikers and I would like to meet each one of them. Although I am not a biker, I can already feel a kinship with them. It looks like they’re somewhere going to fulfill my dream! Each with a tale to tell, each with a fire in their belly and stars in their eyes.

Who that one winner would be? Difficult to choose, difficult to say. Read about the finalists here as they set out on their journey. Each person on their own chosen route will be riding for 7 days and would be writing on their respective pages, their own thoughts, experiences and learning. Vote for the one who you think is closest to your definition of a likely wanderer afflicted by the wanderlust bug.
I am so excited! Let me hop over to see who I shall vote for!

My definition of wanderlust, in a sentence, is “I don’t count the number of places I have been to, I count the memories”.
What is yours? 😀
All of them are really good, I had a hard time deciding for my vote 🙂
Same here.
I know I’d love to bike across the world – it just sounds like such a great, freeing experience to have! I too must have somehow contracted that same disease I guess! haha
Ha Ha
We are all in the same boat. 🙂
They all have great stories to tell and it’s difficult to choose who to vote for but I loved reading Shreyansh’s story.
So did you vote for him?
I also had difficulty in choosing just one. They are all great travelers.
Cool contest! I also have this bug – I can pinpoint to when I got it, I was 7 years old and traveled out of the US for the first time. Ever since then I looked forward to every trip, vacation and travel experience!
Great to know that!
I think the reason why we are here is that we all have one common thing. 🙂
I think it is difficult to decide… Wanderlust is a great thing but it puts me in trouble quite often as well 🙂
Oh oh How?
For me it’s stress buster. 🙂
During one of our visits to Yosemite, we met a few Rock Climbers and one of them when enquired on what his Mission in life was, simply said showing the top of the adjacent mountain..”To reach there!” That’s how one’s passion in life speaks.. An Excellent Post.. Thanks for sharing!
That was so inspiring anecdote. Thanks for sharing this.
Great to read 🙂
Thank you.
I too am afflicted! I love not counting places but counting memories. This piece definitely hits home.
Thank you.
Great minds think alike. 🙂
Amazing photographs!!!
I liked this contest. There are 4 of them which I liked. They are real darers. Could not vote for all. 🙁
Yes, they are all very inspiring. I wish them all the best. 🙂
Thank you all for the lovely words!!
May the best blog win
TW 5.0 finalist
I agree, memories work far more than the number of places you have been to. My philosophy too.
Thank you. 🙂
Wanderlust is just exploring the world and just see where you end up at. Sometimes you end up in places that are magnificent and that you would never have found if you didn’t wander …
So well said! Couldn’t agree more on it. 🙂
Great stories, I always want to be a Biker.
One day I will and will create some memorable stories.
The place in second Photograph seems interesting.
Thank you.
Yes, it is interesting! 🙂
Woo! I wish there’s a competition like this in my own country! Although I don’t ride bikes, I’d love to read travel stories involving some biking, or be someone who follows them to help capture photos/write about their stories. Their travels always sound more adventurous! Anyways, looks like each story is inspiring, it would be interesting to find out who would be the final winner!
Even I don’t ride bikes but love for the adventure of it.
It’s interesting to know how these people travel without thinking twice and how they mingle with locals.
Great. Time to explore more.
Yessss. 🙂
Hard to choose one.
I associate my memories with places so I end up counting both. 🙂
Nice to know.
That’s another way to look at. 🙂
All that is fine, but be careful about landslides… not to be taken lightly
Oh yes. That would be foolishness.
I have also had the bug since I was very little. I would read encyclopedias and imagine that one day I would visit all of the places I read about.
Ha Ha We are all affected by that bloody bug ! 😀
But ain’t complaining. 🙂
I have this bug too! sometimes its incurable condition is a real hinderance. Other times, its spontaneous nature to just go “somewhere” is amazing! as for defining wanderlust, to me it is that constant yearning to be out there, seeing places, whether it is the same one again and again, or a new country on the list, or just being spontaneous and picking somewhere new to go. its when you spend every spare minute daydreaming about where you WILL go next, now where you want to go, but don’t bother turning that want into a will!
Well said, Lindsay. 🙂
Beautifully compilation Nisha ji !!
Thank you Yogi ji. 🙂
Sounds like a cool contest! Lovely idea…
Thank you. 🙂
Are you back?
Hahah, we know the feeling as we too are bitten by the travel bug 😉
Wink, wink. 🙂
Looks like an epidemic is here! Ha Ha.
A well written article and as usual beautiful photos.
Ha Ha
Yes, total epidemic. 😀
Interesting post and yes, I agree with everyone else. It is a difficult decision.
Thanks for dropping by.
Very nice blog…
Thank you for sharing..
My congratulations to the growth of your blog…
Thank you.
Very nice post glad to have came across it keep up the good work.
Thank you.
I got that bug too, but I ain’t got much time to succumb to it lol 🙂
that last photo is simply stunning… gold indeed!!
Good on you ! 😀
And thank you very much.