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The Wanderlust Bug

The Wanderlust bug!

I don’t know when I contracted this deadly and incurable condition, but I am not complaining. I was probably born with it and it just took over my body and soul at some point in time. I know I am not the only one. There are many out there afflicted with this, irrespective of the gender, nationality or creed and I know a few of them too, who have given up everything else to dedicate themselves to this condition known as travelling. Yes I am talking about the TRUE WANDERER bug.

Travelling off the beaten track…..

I guess, the earliest signs of the travelers syndrome was that I would start day-dreaming on a seeing a beautiful picture or scenes from movies. In my mind’s eye I would see me frolicking in those places and would imagine stories around the main character, that’s me.

… discover this geological wonder

They are all bikers and I would like to meet each one of them. Although I am not a biker, I can already feel a kinship with them. It looks like they’re somewhere going to fulfill my dream! Each with a tale to tell, each with a fire in their belly and stars in their eyes.

Let nothing stop you on your quest, not even landslides

Who that one winner would be? Difficult to choose, difficult to say. Read about the finalists here as they set out on their journey. Each person on their own chosen route will be riding for 7 days and would be writing on their respective pages, their own thoughts, experiences and learning. Vote for the one who you think is closest to your definition of a likely wanderer afflicted by the wanderlust bug.

I am so excited! Let me hop over to see who I shall vote for!

One of them will win this pot of gold, maybe

My definition of wanderlust, in a sentence, is “I don’t count the number of places I have been to, I count the memories”.
What is yours? 😀

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