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Sept Cascades Tamarind Falls in Mauritius

Cliff jumping in Mauritius

Only the day before I had witnessed a purely South Indian festival of Thai Poosam in the exotic island called Mauritius. I was exhausted after the festival and later driving round the island with some friends.

When I woke up next morning I was as fresh and energetic as ever. I was poring over the map to look for some off beat places when I spotted Sept Cascade. Literal meaning is 7 waterfalls. It sounded interesting. I checked with hotel reception. One of the guys had not seen or heard of it; the other one said no point going there since it is not been raining. The falls are beautiful only during and after rains.

Well I had already made up my mind. Asked him how to get around using the local bus and got some tips. He said rarely do tourists want to go to there and that too in a local bus.
I smiled “This one does!”. 😀

sept cascade

Do you see 3 levels of ponds? There are 7 of them.

Not really a big problem getting the bus and after 40 odd minutes I was there. It was the last stop and there was a food stall and there was board that said “Tamarind Falls” this way. The stall owner said it is just another name for the Sept cascades, since the water fall is part of Riviere Tamarin or the Tamarind River.

I went to the spot and found that it was only a point for viewing the water fall from afar. Frankly it was not at all impressive just as the hotel fellow remarked. I spoke to one who looked like a local and he said it was called 7 falls because the whole water fall is in 7 steps. While scanning the falls I found that there was a lot of greenery around there so decided to go near the falls.

sept cascade

This was the route to go up.

After a one kilometer walk I saw another sign giving directions for the falls. This time it was a hilly path going down through the bushes and trees. It took me some 30 minutes to negotiate the hilly walk to reach the head of the falls! I could literally see the narrow river falling down the cliff. There were other people too! Some of them were planning to do canyoning and reach the bottom most step of the water fall !

Well I just wanted to go to the pond at the next level where I could see a few people swimming. It took me another 20 minutes of a more difficult descent and then going behind the waterfall. And I reached the pond level in one piece!

sept cascades tamarind falls mauritius

Starting the adventure!

tamarind waterfall

A portion of waterfall.

That was a view to behold. The waterfall was still not impressive but the whole scene was breathtaking. Then I saw the canyoning group who had just abseiled down the first water fall standing on the rocky ledge and gesturing and talking loudly. I could not quite follow what they were saying as they were about 50M away.

All of a sudden one guy jumped down the cliff into the water about 10 metres below! What an Alive is awesome bathing experience for him not me. 🙁

Do watch this video to see how it felt !

One by one, others followed suit. They were all wearing helmets and proper waterproof skins. Couple of people who I had met at the pool level, said they wanted to try too and went to the cliff and jumped with out precautions! And here I was in my jeans and sports shoes looking like a fool ! May be some other time! All in all it was a wonderful excursion for me and for a change very cheap. I think I spent not more than 100 Mauritius Rupees that day including transport and food.

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9 thoughts on “Sept Cascades Tamarind Falls in Mauritius”

  1. Siddhartha,
    Yeah, it was an awesome experience to go there but then not been able to jump was another thing.
    But excited as I was, I followed the group to lower ponds to cheer them up. 😀

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