Lemonicks.com is an award winning Indian Travel Blog by Nisha Jha and Vasudevan R, who write about their experience travelling the world.
Nisha and Vasu, are one of the top couple travel bloggers, photographers and writers from Mumbai, India.
For them travelling is nothing but a long unfinished, ever evolving, poem where each trip forms a verse. Their idea of travelling is counting number of memories and not places, and that the journey is very often as enjoyable as the destination. For them, travel is a way of life. Hence the name of the travel blog, Le Monde , the Poetic Travels.
They are and have been avid travellers even before they got together, many years back. From taking a solo train journey at the age of 13 in the time when there was no internet or mobile phone, to doing Everest Base Camp at 50+ years, these two together and separately have come a long way, experiencing various kinds of soul-enriching travels.
Be it Palestine, Siberia, Pakistan or remote corners of the Philippines…. Nisha & Vasu have travelled to more than 45 countries.
It is a matter of pride that Nisha is the first Indian Travel Blogger to be invited for any FAM trip by any country.
She was empaneled as a Tripper on Fox Traveller, a leading Travel & Lifestyle Channel.
Yahoo Travel chose to feature her as Fab & Fearless Traveler in its exclusive video. Thus, she became the only Indian Travel Blogger to have this honor.
Then, in 2007, Nisha started documenting their travels of many years which resulted in their blog, called Le Monde, the Poetic Travels. Blogging itself was not much heard of in those days and she has many firsts to her credit. From that day, their travels have only increased and they have worked with many International tourism boards, airlines, and brands, etc. Their stories have been published in many top national dailies and magazines.
Subsequently Vasu joined her, after leaving a cushy corporate job, to travel together full time. He was already supporting the blog from the back end for several years. She has passionately introduced Vasu here, a fellow travel blogger.
Was it all hunky-dory? Managing travels, writing, photography and its related stuff, blogging, family commitments and all? Not at all, they say. There have been challenges always on all fronts, only the face of the challenge changes with time. And the solutions also evolve keeping that in view.
While both of them have many similar interests while traveling, there are differences and they make sure each get their own share of the pie. Where it is not possible easily, one can often see Vasu creep out of the hotel room before sunrise or after dinner, to visit that one place which was missed or has to be shot after dark. 🙂
They firmly believe that this consideration for companions, fellow travellers and also others come with extensive travelling.
Where possible, they combine travelling with volunteering which gives a greater contentment and an unforgettable experience interacting with local citizens.
They say, “We know that we cannot climb every beautiful mountain or cavort in every scenic beach or marvel at every historical site of this vast world. Interestingly that realization has made us more patient and for the last several years we have been travelling slowly spending more time in a destination and not getting anxious because somebody else has seen a Mona Lisa kind of attraction.”.
Their idea of travel is to count the memories rather than the places. 😀
The site Lemonicks.com, is a result of thoughts, anecdotes, tips, videos, news, reviews and personal experiences of an Indian couple travel bloggers and is accompanied with a lot of photographs that are captured during this sweet & sour experiences ongoing journey and is dedicated to the millions of travelers around the world.
The site has an engaged audience that is well connected in the travel world. Anything featured inside of a post is because we personally find it of value. The places, the people, and the culture, in a series of experiences that makes our journey treasured and memorable.
The easiest way to navigate through is to hover your mouse on the header and it will show you lots of content. Also, check out the sidebar for other important features.
The site is updated by us with some guest posts thrown in from time to time. If you are interested in writing here, do let us know through this contact form.
Thank you for traveling to this place. Your comments will always encourage us to go further. Keep them coming.
You may want to become a fan of their Travel Blog page on Facebook and through other connections displayed on top.
Hello Nisha! I am exploring your website and I must say that everywhere I want to go, I find you have already been there before me 🙂
Welcome here.
Waah ! Meri lines he chura lee aapne ? 😛
Explore & keep coming.
BTW, as promised… the chilled beer is being couriered to you. 😀
I told this earlier also when we met.
I think you are the only Indian woman doing so. In whole my life as a traveller, I have not come across any other Indian woman who travelled like you.
warm regards,
Glad to have you here again ! 😀 How’re you doing?
Well, I have been told this by many, many people on my recent trip abroad. But still can’t claim it myself. Ha ha…
Hello Nisha,
I just saw your post about travelling alone as an Indian woman. I have got another question: What is the safest way to travel in India for a Non-Indian woman? I was there by myself and really felt quite insecure because of the Indian men. A feeling I did not have in any other country of my oneyear-travel.
Would be great if you could write an answer to my mail-id.
Hi Julia,
Thanks for your comment here.
I have replied to your mail-id. But I will also write a post here to answer such queries from readers.
Thanks once again.
Hi Nisha,
I travel solo while I am in India, though I don’t think of myself as a back-packer. I do have a backpack, but I don’t follow the backpacking routes, hangout at the backpacking haunts or agree to the philosophy — which seems to be to try and and spend as little money as possible in the country you are visiting and spend as little time as possible with the locals. It seems to be about drinking beer with other westerners in “exotic” locations.
I really love India and I try to learn as much as I can about the culture and spend as much time as possible with local people.
If other western women who want to travel solo in India contact you, please refer them to my blog – I have traveled by myself in India for about a year altogether – and I have never had any problems.
Hope to meet you on the road!
Let me know if you want to exchange link!
It is so nice to know someone else is into high time travelling. I started independently at 19, before that with school sports teams at 11. I take a back pack with sleeping bag atop and a light suitcase so I do not know if I qualify the definition. I take less travelled routes but not totally hitch hiking. It will be interesting to read more about your trips.
Desi Girl
Hi Nisha,
Just stumbled at this site and found is good. Great to hear about a female backpacker in India who is so active in blogging.
Thanks for the ‘Turkey’ post, I am a big fan of that country, will be visiting it soon (hopefully).
I love to be a backpacker myself (I love travelling) but too lazy else busy with my work
one suggestion: Pics posted in Picasa are good but would have been better if they were of higher resolution.
Welcome to this site. Sorry for replying late, I wasn’t too well.
No, you don’t qualify as a backpacker but you are definitely a traveller. 🙂
Keep coming & let’s enjoy the journey together.
Welcome. It’s great to have you here too. 🙂
Thanks for your comment. Travelling is a passion which can be achieved while busy with your work also.
Regarding pics in Picasa… I have purposely reduced the resolution before uploading them. But I think they are not too bad. 🙂
Thanks for your visit, keep coming.
Hey, so glad to see another Indian woman travelling alone…Am off in couple of weeks for 1 month solo US trip. Last year did my first trip alone to Thailand. Loved it, so attempting on larger scale now.
Lets catch up..we are a rare breed 🙂
Wow ! So glad to know another creature of my breed ! 😛
Sure, lets do that.
And which places are you going in US? 😀
Dear Nishaji,
i was going through your message regarding single woman not allowed in charminar. then i came to know you are a solo woman traveler.
that made me curious to know about you. i went through your website and found taht you are such passionate person. and so inspiring.
i also love to travel, but not get much time but i also do travel without prior plans, but yes i do research about the place before i visit there. and i try innovative ways and short routes too like you. its adventure and i just want to ask you do you take pictures too or only write?would love to hear from you.
Welcome here. 🙂
Yes, I am a solo traveler. As per some travel communities, I am the first Indian woman backpacker.
I also try to keep some places in mind before venturing out but at times I have to take on the spot decisions too.
Yes, if you go through my site, in all the stories that I’ve written here, the pictures are clicked by me including some self photos like this one.
Keep coming here and enjoy the journey.
Keep coming here and enjoy the journey.
Hi stumbled upon your blog….. I am liking it… More than that I am so happy to see SOLO woman traveler… amazing.. You have travelled so many places!!!!!…. Impressed….I do travel alone … Though am not an extensive traveler as you are ( but I wish to be )
I am an impulsive traveler. Experience of travelling alone and the reaction of the people, its own risk are all a different world of travelling…
Which part of the world you live ?
I will keep visiting your blog 🙂
Welcome to my site.
I have travelled to many places ?? I want to add a few more to it. 🙂
I agree, solo travelling gives a different high & feel. It has it’s own pros & cons.
Heh.. Have you not read it properly ? I am from your world. 😀
Keep coming and share your views here.
“…and I spend my own money to nurture this passion”. – May I ask what/where is the source of this never-ending flow of money? I will love to quit my job and go on a world tour, but that needs money, which I earn from my 8-to-5 job. I travel, but do not blog. However, I take photos.
Welcome to my site.
Who says it’s never ending flow? 😀
I do sulk at times when I do not have funds to travel and jump with joy if someone finances my trip. But since I am a backpacker, I need lesser amount of money to pursue this passion.
Oh, I have done that 8-to-5 thing too. Have you heard of sabbatical or working from home ? 🙂
BTW, saw your wonderful photos. How often do you travel ?
Now that you’ve seen this site, Atul, I guess you’ll be a regular here? 🙂
You have an awesome website and an even more enviable list of already-done destinations!!! I must say am impressed, but more than that I am pure jealous 🙂
Keep traveling and keep sharing, its great to read your travelogues!
Welcome to my site.
Thank you very much for your encouraging words. And jealous ?
Tsk tsk….
Even I am suffering from this dreaded word. 😀
There are so many out there who have done more than me but I am in no hurry. I go at my own pace.
Thanks for travelling to this site, tag along… we’ll see the world together. 😀
I am already on, you are an inspiration 🙂
I am humbled. 🙂
Hey Nisha!
Wish i could embark the unknown just like you! Thats what makes me keep visiting ur page so often.You capture the essence of the place so beautifully!
My best wishes for the contest n ur future adventures! Keep up the good work!
I welcome you here.
And thank you very much. Encouraging words coming from unknown people is what keeps me going. 🙂
Thanks & keep coming.
Just one question.. where do you work/how do you earn to have both the moolah and the time to travel??
Welcome to my den.
I am a backpacker and if you go thru my posts, you’ll come to know how I travel. It does not really need a king’s treasure to travel. I go for budgeted accommodation, many a times for shared bathrooms, I eat street food and use local transport.
That’s my secret. 🙂
HI offers you nice rooms/dorms almost anywhere.. just in case one needs to save on lodging without cutting on experience 🙂
PS. yhaindia.org if you already didn’t know
Not only YHA, there are many budget guest houses in most part of this world. You need to be a little patient in your search. 🙂
Have you read about the cheapest room I ever stayed in?
Yeah..read that post now.. and you are right about patience. But it becomes an issue when you reach somewhere tired and have one day for travel then get back to work… Searching is not an optimal solution in that case.
And, I never doubt that budget is hardly an issue when it comes to travelling but the “work/time” bit is my curiosity too, besides SID’s 😉
How do you manage, that too in and out of India?
Intriguing introduction. A backpacker. And a solo one. You sound fun and adventurous. I like. 🙂
“My idea of traveling is counting number of memories, and not places.” liked this quote. Mind if I use it?
And now where is my free beer? 😛
Just one day of travelling to some place & then getting back to work will definitely need some search prior to travel.
If you think that budget is not an issue for travel then you are wrong. 🙂 Finance & time, are 2 big deciding factors about where all you can go, stay and for how long.
Well, how do I manage time?
I do not have a 9 to 6 job, so I guess time management is a bit easy for me. 🙂
Snow Leopard:
Nice name. 🙂
Welcome here to my site and thank you.
Thanks for liking the quote.
Well, as long as you give credit to me by linking back to my site, you can use this quote. 🙂
I think that’s fair enough. No?
I have couriered the free beer to you. Kindly wait for a few days. 😛
Keep coming…. not for beer though. 🙂
Of course they, moolah and time, are two most important ones but not to the extent that finance may dictate the plans. Generally time does, in a general sense and wish/will. But, lets suppose, now if you talk about the fact that I haven’t travelled abroad then of course money is the only reason, but I don’t count that. I’ve just started, I’ve a lot of time ahead ..waiting for me(time and tide byword is a fallacy).. moolah will come along.. 😉
Yup your blogs are delievered to Liferea and I will find you on Twitter and Facebook, you can follow back too… but I don’t blog as of yet.
Congratulations for not having a 9-6 routine. But I like mine too 😛
I’m planning for a solo(or with a pal) Euro trip in some 1+ years.. already started the savings..but no plans for how yet.. I may seek some gyaan then or so 🙂
Hey,… this is an awesome blog.. i’m still exploring it.. but i like what i’ve read till now.. cheers!!
Thank you very much. You are welcome here.
And keep reading, keep coming and let’s travel together ! 🙂
Hi Nisha,
You have a lovely travel blog and love your spirit of Solo traveling. Keep traveling.
waiting for that chilled beer…!!
Welcome to my den and thank you very much.
Chilled beer? I have ordered it today itself to be delivered to you. Should reach you soon. 😀
Wow!!! I haven’t traveled like you, but I am mighty impressed. I guess you truly are ‘that rare breed from India’. Keep it up, best wishes.
Dear Nisha,
I came across your blog accidentally…just gone thru a few pages and absolutely loving it.
Having worked for an international airline in Mumbai meant rebated tickets…which meant more money in the pocket to spend on sight-seeing.
I usually try and research the places I would like to visit, opt for public transport & modest accommodation – guest houses/B&B and try out street food.
I look forward to your tips on affordable travel & great places to stay while visiting in India or abroad.
Thanks to my uncle, I had a chance to visit Chinmaya Vibhooti in Kolwan, 4hrs from Mumbai. It is a great place to visit…please check out a clip i made based on the photos taken during my visit on youtube..
I am kind of semi-retired (from work not life) and love to volunteer & explore nature; read a lot on organic farming, container gardening….I will be visiting Sidhibari, Himachal pradesh this month and will try write a travel blog.
Would love to hear from you.
Thanks for the wonderful blog
Welcome here.
And thank you very much. 🙂
@Ashok Bathija,
I am glad that you came here.
It seems you travel like me trying out street food & local transport. I try to give tips from my experiences & knowledge.
I checked your video, it is good to know about other places.
All the best for your Himachal trip, would like to hear about it. Do keep in touch.
And thank you very much for visiting. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
It is so nice to know that I am not one of the rare breeds from Asia. I am a Chinese girl from Singapore and I find myself often the only Asian female in a youth hostel/guesthouse when I am traveling. I have backpacked a few times to Europe (Netherlands, UK, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Vatican City, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, France), Asia (Taiwan with my sister, Bangkok and Phuket solo, Malaysia – stayed there for a year to study, Tioman and Redang Island and many other Malaysian places. Planning to go to Beijing and Shanghai this July solo! Should be fun! I have been to other parts of the world too but I went with my family and in free and easy packages. I have always wanted to backpack in India but I wonder if it is safe for a Chinese girl like me to travel solo?
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of blogland and letting me know you’re here! I’ll enjoy seeing where you’ve been too. I love travel, but I don’t get to do it as often as you, as I’m a single mom and arranging a getaway is difficult. But that just makes me value it more when I can. 🙂
Nice to know regarding your profile Nisha…..been blogging from Sept 2007 on blogspot and guess what is the title of my blogspot….http://www.indiabackpacker.blogspot.com/
Great to know you are a globe trotter…..with backpacking too….in case you drop in at Blore……we can exchange notes Lolz good luck
Hi Nisha – Do you have any tips as a solo female backpacker? Things to be careful about, places to avoid? Or would you say most places are fine ?
Nice to meet you though I am acknowledging it quite late here.
Wow ! You’ve been places ! How do you manage so much of travel? 🙂
Yes, you can backpack in India. Just that, you got to be more careful & alert. I have done many solo trips in my own country. And it wasn’t as easy as it was abroad. Being in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural country adds to our woes.
There are certain rules to follow as a female solo traveller. Drop me a mail when you intend to do it.
You are officially welcome here. 🙂
Being a single mom is a tough task and I am sure you are managing it well.
Thanks a lot.
Yeah, We can meet when I am in your city and exchange notes as well. 😀
Yes, ofcourse !
I will not say most places are fine. There are places and time one, as a solo female backpacker, should avoid.
I will try to write a post one of these days on it.
Hey Nisha,
Have filled up the contact form regarding an interview for our magazine. Hope to hear from you soon!
Delightful bio and good on ya for breaking the mold. Can’t wait to look around your site. It looks juicy!
Hi Nisha,
I work for a while, save up and travel. I love to travel but I hate flying. If I had the choice I would take the cruise ship and train to travel around the world!
I just got back from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to visit some old friends and it was pretty nice shopping and eating.
Actually my younger sister is married to a North Indian guy and they stay in Pune, but we have never been close as children and now as adults. My parents went to India twice, once for her wedding and to send her off this March. I didn’t go at all as she didn’t welcome me there. It would have been nice if I have my sister and bro-in-law to show me around in India but she did warn me to keep away from her if I ever step into India. Sigh.
I can’t wait to visit China next month! In China, they speak different dialects too so hopefully they can understand my Mandarin!
I will make it to India either next year or the year after the next for sure. Will definitely drop u a mail when I plan my trip. Thanks and have a nice day!
Thank you and do have a look.
No !
But you can still enjoy this site. 🙂
That’s very sad. I admire you for handling such a delicate issue diligently.
Looking forward to your mail. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
jst came across ur blog… loved your intro… going to read the rest..
so +1 to ur beer count 😉
I welcome you here.
Do have a look and give your valuable inputs.
And yes, free chilled beer is on your way ! 😛
my name is anoothi and i came across this frm a known person of urs e in sangkara .i m alone hr in mumbai and a wld love to travel just like u .plz i want ur contact so that i ca also share the same route u r going .my no. is 90******** and id is ******@gmail.com. plz feel free to contact anytime preferably in evening and lets meet up one day.
Glad to know that you want to travel solo.
Well, if you share the same route as mine, how would it be a solo then? 🙂
I have removed your tel no & mail-id while moderating this comment. Pls note, it is a site on internet which anyone can see. It is not advisable to display your personal details here.
Great Site! 🙂
Never realised the number of Indian female backpackers were on the low end of the scale. haha!
Enjoyed exploring your travels.
I welcome you here.
Thank you. Yes, they are a rare breed (Born, brought up & living in India). 😀 I would definitely love to meet them.
Usha, I hope to see you here more often.
I tried to visit your site but it is open to invited readers only. 🙁
Hey there Nisha!
It was undergoing a bit of “construction” and I forgot to switch it back to public mode. lol.
Thanks for letting me know else I would have never realized. lol.
Ha Ha…
Good that you realized. 🙂
आपके बारे में जानकर अच्छा लगा।
Dhanyawaad. 🙂
Nisha, thanks for commenting on my travel map… you are right, you have traveled much more but somehow my map looks bigger :). On another note, I am glad to connect with a fellow Indian woman backpacker… I was pretty sure I was the only one so it’s fantastic to meet another one of us!! Wish you many more safe and adventurous travels!!
i am truly inspired by you. female solo traveller are considered crazy in India. why is it so unsecure to travel in so called free country. I felt terrible when i put across the thought of travelling alone.recently read many blogs on female travellers. but sometimes u cant wait for a group and the worst guided tours to see new places.got to venture out on your own.wish me luck.give me some tips to calm my nerves
Hello Nisha, I intend to travel with my 5 year daughter starting to explore India. I hope to bump into you 🙂 this is a perfect age for her to start exploring the world!
Welcome here.
Glad to meet you too. Like you, I was also pretty sure but I still maintain I am the only one of my kind. 😀 (born, brought up & lived in India most of my life).
The conditions & outlook of people is very different here. Can not be compared with someone who has lived abroad.
Yes, I agree. solo female traveller who is on her own exploring the places is unheard of in this country. I am not talking about commuting between two cities where at each end there are people to escort you.
I am sure, if you’ve set your heart & mind to go solo, you’ll achieve it.
All the best.
Welcome here.
And kudos for taking your daughter along for your travel. 🙂
Are you going to visit the familiar cities or some new ones? You might have to prepare your daughter for chaotic India before she sets foot here. 😀
And I’ll be glad to bump into you. 😛
Well, there is some real gyan present on your blog Nisha. Since yesterday I am trying to traverse through the content and you have some loads of stuff. A solo female backpacker and Indian doesn’t go hand in hand but I guess things are changing big time now. Perhaps, in the last month only I came to know third one of this rarest breed. I guess I shall consider myself lucky to follow such travel stories :)…
Being a traveler myself and known to the hardships of travel as well, I really appreciate your courage + spirit to travel solo in India.
Hard luck with your Uttarakhand trip but may be a blessing in disguise as the recent landslides could have left you guys stranded too.
Keep up the great work you putting into this blog. Surely, something to watch and follow overtime.
Welcome here. Thanks for your encouraging words.
Glad to meet you too.
Yes, Uttarakhand trip disappointed me but it’ll be definitely done sometime. 🙂
Just happened to visit your blog and found it very fascinating. I could identify with many of your observations and remembered being in similar situations. Also appreciate your passion and strength to do what you enjoy. Wish more women in India enjoyed that freedom.
Welcome here.
I am glad that you could identify yourself with me.
Yes, it’s tough for Indian women and I am fortunate to have a very supportive husband. 🙂
Keep coming.
Hi Nisha,
I bumped into your blog while browsing for info on Nighoj Kund. You have a very nice blog and useful info. I travel solo too. Nice to meet you over the blog 🙂
Have great trips!
Thanks for your kind words.
Nice to meet you too. 🙂
Good on you for having the courage to travel alone. I like to travel alone as well, but this is no such a big deal as I live in a culture where this is not unusual. I have been to the wedding of friends in Bangalore where we spent a week. We then went on to Mysore, the home of the groom and then had a week in Goa. I loved it! I would love to discover more of India. Kerala is a place I really want to go to.
Hi Nisha,
Very interesting woman! Would love to know you better. I like courageous women like you, since I have been thinking of doing solo for a long time, but never really got down to doing a really big one.
Julia Dutta
Hi Debra,
Thanks for your comment, keep them coming.
Yes, that’s the point I wanted to say. In India, you hardly sees any.
Come to India again, I will take you around. 🙂
Thank you.
Tell me, what do you want to know. 🙂 If you read this space regularly, you’d come to know more about me. 🙂
Do it, you’ll enjoy.
It’ll be fun to see more females doing solo.
And keep coming here.
Just stumbled upon your site. Loved it. I’m embarking on my first solo trip next month . It’s all planned out, reservations made, etc.. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time. Your blog sure is an inspiration.
Where all you are planning to go? Which country/countries?
All the best for your travel. Looking forward to your stories.
Just a note about me. I generally do not plan/book anything except my to & fro tickets. Rest all is on the fly. 🙂
I am travelling in India–Benares, Sarnath, Lucknow, Agra and Delhi. Only my tickets and hotel bookings are done. The rest is to go with the flow–Ganga, Gomti or Yamuna the case may be. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
I’m pleasantly surprised to find your site. I’m an Indian female too and enjoy travel but most of my solo travels have been outside India. I’ve always been a little paranoid about travelling alone in India and have decided to finally give it a shot. I want to visit Kerala and would like to hear your suggestions and recommended places to visit as a single traveler.
Great! I wish I could join you. 🙂
Yes, I have read your post about shifting & already made changes on my reader. 🙂
You are welcome here.
Yes, travelling alone in India is not that safe compared to other countries.
Kerala is somewhat more safer. Tourism industry flourishing there. How long do you intend to stay there?
Hi Nisha,
I live in South Karnataka and Kerala is just next door so I’m looking for ideas for multiple short trip 3-4 days max.
That would be good to start with. 🙂
Hi Nisha
Thanks for your comments on my blog.. I have to update my book shelf on shelfari though (it is seriously deprived of the books read and TBR).
Your blog is amazing! Travel is one other thing I love, and glad to have found this resource..
Do update your bookshelf and let’s travel places on this blog. 😀
hi Nisha,
thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment!!
Its indeed a rare breed Nisha.. and I so hope the count keeps growing in India.. its such a beautiful experience !
Happy tramping!
Welcome here and thank you.
Keep coming.
Liked the blog. I guess you like visiting offbeat places.
Try Ahupe ghat near Pune if stay there, You might like it. So many offbeat places to visit and so little time!
Stumbled upon your website while doing a few travel related searches.
It is so nice to see that you have lived your passion. For lesser mortals like us,struck in the mundane life of the urban jungle, I find your blogs breathe a fresh air of life.
I do travel (not as frequently as you, off course and not a backpacker definitely) and enjoy lesser known destinations.
Would add you on facebook for future updates from your end
Your latest fan reporting maam. You are inspiring ! 🙂
Subject- My eagerness to have a trip with you…
I will sound weird but I have to say it, I am not a solo women backpacker, but a solo boy backpacker who want to have a trip with you anywhere in this mysterious country. Same like you I travel a lot, alone and unprepared mostly,with very low budgets.My recent trip was to Gamukh glacier-origin of river Ganges.As i am still a Engineering final year student, can’t afford a trip outside India, but i try my guts anywhere and everywhere within Indian boundaries.
I also maintain a blog.
not a travel blog yet.
It will be great if I ever get a chance to polish my traveling skills with you, in d minimum budget,…If you come to Delhi let me know, will be pleased to meet you and hear your experiences in person.
Welcome here.
Yes, I like offbeat places as well.
I live in Mumbai, haven’t heard of this place but would like to visit. Do you have some info on it?
Thank you very much for kind and encouraging words.
I have lived that life too, it’s a question of what ultimately one wants from his/her life and taking risk for that.
Hmmm…. My personal account on Facebook is personal. 🙂
I have a travel page on Facebook where I take my readers along on my journeys and some more news on travel. Have you become a fan yet? If not, pls do so.
Thank you veru much.
I received your mail regarding the widget but at present I am too occupied to even think of replying to it. Give me some time.
Thank you very much. I am glad to meet a solo traveller here. It would be great to see you start a travel blog too.
Budget travelling starts when you literally don’t have a budget. 😛
And you have already started in your best time.
I keep coming to Delhi and have many people to meet as well. So, cross your fingers. 🙂
Hi,I arrived at your travel blog when serarching for inspiration from Indian Travelers.
I hereby like to give you kudos for such wonderful posts. I am currently doing M.B.A & Travel bug bite me 12 months back. Since that day I like to Quit everything & Start what I like to do always. Will you suggest a way that works for me.
Hey Nisha,
Just came across this site while surfing on net for freaking holidays!
What brought me here was ur article on The Garden of five senses.
Well i must admit you did a great job..telling the true condition of that so called exotic park..
Just to tell u, if u are interested..i have a keen interest in travelling and that too alone..without any plans.. just pack my bag and go on…
I felt u r also of the same kind..
By the way i am planning to go to Kashmir during Christmas and new year..i have not been there..and its gonna be a hell of excitement i guess..
I would like to have your suggestions, it would be nice if u could mail me..i would love to keep in touch!!!
Cheers 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words.
First, complete your MBA and then look for a job in travel or tourism industry. 😛
But keep up your passion for travel. Whether you get any job to travel or not, your passion will take you places. 🙂
And keep coming here to see where I am off to next. 😀
Welcome here and I hope you’ll continue to come here. 🙂
Glad to meet a traveller like me.
Kashmir is a great place to go during winters. What is your plan? Do some skiing or just enjoy the white beauty?
Do you know once when I was missing snow, I especially went to Manali region in peak winter just to feel snow on my face. 😀
Thanks for being so generous….hope to meet you in delhi someday…
I read your blog, its really good, liked your impassioned personality. I am too found of exploring different places but I am just a beginner from Delhi. I am exploring my city first.
your view on garden of 5 senses is exactly the same as I felt.
it is good when woman like you shows her mettle in such an excellent manner.
Just stumbled at this site and found it good. Great to hear about a female backpacker in India who is so active in blogging.
I was searching for a weekend gateway near delhi to celebrate my anniversay..
keep blogging..
keep exploring..
Thank you very much for your kind words.
It is the first step (beginning) that is always difficult. Once started, I am sure you won’t look behind. 🙂
There is so much to see & learn from this world. Do you know at present I am volunteering in Cambodia? It is an experience in itself.
Thanks again for coming here. I hope you’ll enjoy what I share here. Please check my Facebook page also.
Hello namesake. 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words. Glad that you stumbled upon my site.
When is your anniversary? And what kind of place are you looking for? There are many places near Delhi.
Thanks again for coming here. I hope you’ll enjoy what I share here.
Hi Nisha,
First surprise – you backpack
Second – You are from India and a female
Third – You have volunteered and you have a tagline that is the same as my philosophy
Wanted to say hi and wanted to know some tips about how to backpack solo and not worry about cost etc. Kindly excuse if you think this is spam. And Thanks for liking my post which led me to have a look at your site.
You are my hero!
Hi Nisha,
I just came across your blog. I’m an aspiring travel blogger and I’m looking around the web for travel blog inspiration and yours really sticks out. kudos to you for your courage to defy cultural confirmity and go ahead to travel solo. I also love your fortrighness about India’s social issues. Most people from India I’ve met are not comfortable talking about the issues you have addressed in this post. Congratulations on your great post and have more wonderful travels ahead.
Indian? Yes
Woman? Yes
Backpacking the world? Yes
Solo? Yes
Whoa! Its great to discover your site Nisha! Respect is all I can say. Good luck on your travels!
Hi Nisha,
I just looooooove to travel. My most favourite dream is to imagine unknown places and me visiting them. Every night I fall asleep dreaming the same dream and it gives me such a peace of mind.
But as you mentioned, I am one among the Indian women who get a chance to travel only for work. But apart from this also I would like to go around the world alone, see new places(I don’t care good or bad), have new experiences(again I don’t care good or bad) and meet new people.
Just wondering, how do you do it? I mean if you don’t mind, what domain of work are you in and how not to worry about travel costs etc?
Looking forward to hear from you.
MJ 🙂
Interesting. I also like to travel a lot. But I travel in my dreams. I visit google earth, look pictures on net of different places.There are lots of way by which you can travel from home, from your place with your mind and soul. You can watch videos of different places etc.. I am also alone. Lone Travelers see the world differently. Is it like people come and go in your life. But you remain as you are and you don’t have any effect of people coming and going from your life. I think you travel, get experiences which is more practical approach. I do travelling in my within. Results are same in both the cases.. Don’t you think..?
Hello Maam again..
Jungle theme is not displaying any content. Plz add something about different forests places to visit
Hi Kushal,
Welcome here.
Well, travelling for me has a different perception.
I can not travel like you. 🙂
And I don’t agree with you that the results are same. Watching pictures, videos can not be compared with going to a place in person. The fresh air, the caressing of snowflakes on your face, the splash of water while cruising, and so on…
No, it is not the same at all. 🙂
Yes, there is nothing as of date since I’ve not written anything.
Thanks for reminding. Will do so soon
Or do you have a story on it? Pls let me know.
WOW, you’ve travelled quite a bit, Nisha and its so so impressive! Oh I love to travel and it feels great to have stumbled upon a travel blog which has so much to offer! Nice to meet you 🙂
Keep travelling and keep sharing your experiences. Bon voyage! 🙂
Heya, thnks fr commenting on my tattoo. Hats off to a traveler like you.
I have redirected my blog wander from your comment on my blog about ‘toilets’. lol
Having come here, I must say, what a beautiful and versatile travel blog you have.It is vibrant and offers so much variety, branching out to absorb local key points.
Key on, will be following this post with even more curiosity.
-A fellow backpacker 🙂
Hi Nisha
Wow… that’s what i can say when read about you..
I think i will keep commenting and would settle for chilled beer 😉
Welcome here, and thank you very much.
Keep coming and keep boosting my moral. 😀
Thank you.
Welcome here and thanks a ton for your kind words.
Would love to see you here, sharing your experiences and guiding wherever possible. 🙂
Sorry for late reply, mostly the reason for late reply is my busy travel schedule.
Welcome here.
And yes, keep commenting and you’ll have lifetime of chilled beer. 😀
But beware, don’t blame me if you start doing hic hic hic … 😛
Like you, I do not count the number of places, but the experiences there. I do not wander much, much tend to settle in to a place. I know, however, that I am and always will be a foreigner and be delighted by whatever my hosts show me.
Welcome here.
That’s one thing that needs a lot of patience & hard work to become a local. 🙂
I hope you enjoy your stay. 🙂
Hi Nisha
Greetings from Malaysia.
It is great to note that you are a solo traveller like me. I know how much courage and determination it needs to travel solo. I am planning to go to Ladakh via Srinagar in December 2013. May be u could give me some tips on travel to this place. Plse keep in touch via my e-mail.
Have a nice day.
Well I have been backpacking 3 years now and I havent met any Indian backpacker, male or female. Its good to see you doing it. Hope to meet you sometimes, great blog 🙂 Cheers!!
Thanks for your kind words.
Is this going to be your first time in India? Keep reading my blog, you’ll get all the tips & stories. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by.
Yes, very few backpackers in India…. the trend is changing for males though.
Where all have you travelled to? Would be glad to meet you too.
Thanks for ur reply.Many years back I booked this Discover India Ticket from Indian Airlines for 21 days and have travelled to many parts of India but never to the very northern area.My intention is to travel to Shimla, Dharamsala ,srinagar manali and Leh/Ladakh.Can u advice me on the trip planning for 14 days starting on 8th Aug to 23 Aug 2013.You may change the itenerary.Thanks.
I have travelled all through the south east asia and I live in China :), I am planning Tibet later this year which is actually a dream! and is going to make a hole in my pocket too :P. Heading to Cambodia and vietnam 2 weeks from now 🙂
Sorry for replying late but sooner or later, I do reply. I mark the comments to reply and as & when I get time, I reply them. Today is one of those days. 🙂
Hope Cambodia & Vietnam treated you well. 🙂
Not been to Vietnam, so will pick your brains when it happens. And I think China will happen before that. So warning you. 😀
I’m a 27 year old woman, planning to take a break, and do some solo backpacking across the country, and probably abroad..plan to start with himachal..came across your blog, its quite inspiring, was just wondering if there are any suggestions/tips you could give..solo travelling for a woman in india does raise a few apprehensions 🙂
Sorry for late reply.
Thanks for your kind words. Yes, solo travelling still raises eyebrows in India…. backpacking is even rare. 😀
First tip, which state are you familiar with? As a first timer, start with a zone where you’ll be comfortable. Don’t go to a place where you don’t know the language. After all, you need to communicate with people for every little thing.
Let me tell you, solo backpacking is easy in foreign land compared to India. 🙂
How long you intend to travel? Weeks or months? 🙂
Shall we take it offline from here?
chanced upon your website and i am impressed and inspired.
i am new to the world of travel writing and travel blogging… just about 1 year old. and hope to keep going strong 🙂
all the best to you!
Welcome aboard. 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words.
All the best to you too!
Keep coming.
Hello Nisha…Good Luck with your travelling..and really it is great to see someone from India especially a Woman having achieved so much in Travelling..Hats off to you….
Welcome to this site.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Keep coming. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
I have no clue which links and pages did I click and where, but I must sa,y extremely glad that I ended up on ur page! Your stories just make the travelholic in me go more tipsy! Hope we meet up in some corner of the world and say, heyy, that’s you?? 🙂
Happy Trippin’
and yea, I prefer Corona 😉
So happy to see you here. 🙂
World is indeed very small. We are definitely going to meet somewhere sometime… till then we should meet through our travel stories & photos.
Keep coming.
Hi there,
Hats off to you! I should say you are just like me (the female version of me) 😛
I wish I could live life the way you do because that’s what my dream is (To Travel the whole world), but haven’t been lucky enough to do it.
Moreover, I got a big time curiosity to know how this all started? Not all of us are lucky to live our dreams!
P.S I am kind of Jealous already 😛
Welcome aboard!
Glad to meet the male version of me. 😛
Don’t be jealous, just do it! 😀
I haven’t visited even 1/5th of the places from my list. The ever growing list is very loooooong & there is so little time.
Also, I don’t visit a place just to check from my list or get a visa stamp. My idea of travel is different & that makes it more slower.
Hi Nisha!!!
Indeed, you are a good travel blogger and travel planner. just you have an awesome account of interesting travel articles which are nice to read and have useful knowledge to travels. but I’m also a Indian travel agent and likes travel.
Hey Girl, cant find your Bucket List! Where can I see it?
Hi again!
Just checking on you!
You got any plans? what’s gonna be the next destination?? Tell you what..I am going to Kathmandu 😀 😀 😀
Thanks to god I finally got my leaves approved, I had planned this trip almost 6 months back but couldn’t just realize it. :/
But there is a saying in Spanish (Se hace lo que puede), I do what I can! So that’s what my thing is.
Stay in touch! I like to read your writings.
Nisha, You young lady are awesome. No wonder you are successful as your passion and talent show in your work.
I am honored and please to be one of your fans.
Keep up the GREAT work.
Hello Nisha,
you are a woman, an Indian and a solo traveler….
to be “you”, it needs a lot of courage…
I just have one word for you…
SALUTE !!!!!!
btw, nice blog, I love travelling blogs, I do not get these many chances to visit these many places, so I fulfill my desire by reading traveling blogs.
Peter Smith,
Thank you. Nice to know that!
I haven’t posted it here. 😀
Hey Ravi!
What’s up? How was Kathmandu? Hope it treated you well. 😀
If you have been reading my posts, I have been to many places after that.
Spain, Turkey, Malaysia, Singapore, Kerala (twice), Bangalore and what not. 😀
Slowly catching up with my writings.
Stay in touch.
Jim Conkle,
Thank you very much for your kind words. I am humbled. 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words. The comments like this keep me going. 🙂
Now that you’ve visited my site, can I expect you here as a regular? 🙂
Yes, Definitely, If I can not visit so many places then to get information about these places I can visit your site, that’s easiest way, and I will keep on visiting here.
Thanks so much once again. )
I hope you are enjoying my posts. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
Have you posted videos on you tube too?
Welcome here Rakesh.
Yes I have posted many videos from my journeys on Youtube. You can see all videos here ( https://www.youtube.com/user/nishasmonde/videos )and if you subscribe to my channel, you’ll get updated whenever I post a new video.
These days I am a bit slow in uploading but watch out for some very interesting ones. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
Glad to know you! Was on a look out for Women Travelers but just when I was on the verge of getting convinced, women are travel-hormone deficient, I land on your blog.
I am a Bangalorean in my mid-20s and have hardly traveled. Just been to Goa, Kerala, Hyd, Mysore.I love to Travel, but quite skeptical about traveling alone, this blog has come as an inspiration to me. I would love to meet you and align my travel passion to being a sole backpacker.
I have liked your FB page. 🙂
Best Wishes,
Shwetha J
Welcome to my blog. 🙂
Nice to meet you too. 🙂 Glad to know that the breed of solo backpackers is increasing. Don’t be afraid, there are certain guidelines to abide with but mainly you should trust your guts while traveling alone. Believe me, it’s much more fun & confidence booster than travelling with somebody.
Hmm… I couldn’t see your name on my FB page. Can you pls check it?
Also have you subscribed to my updates? there are various methods to do it.
Thanks again & Happy Travels.
Wow… I want to travel with you..
and have the chilled beer (even though am not a beer drinker)
I too travel for memories and not to tick on the map.
Welcome to my den. Yeah, shall travel together.
Aww! We’ll have some wine then. 😉
For regular updates, I suggest you to check my Facebook page.
Yup looking fwd to it
While going thru some old comments, I noticed that your comment remained unanswered. 🙁
I need to check, only yours or many others.
Hi Nisha,
Glad to know you. Also read your blog, It’s awesome. I am a grumpy traveler roaming one destination to another to explore our country. Now, Since 6 months writing freelance articles and travel stories for local newspapers, magazines and online portals. I am reading you since a long time and loved your stories and articles. Now, I am willing to learn few tips about good travel writing and how I can establish myself on national and International level.
Waiting patiently for your response.
HI Nisha!I just came across your blog!Its amazing and its cool how much travelling you have put in this lifetime already :D.I love travelling and
kudos to you for being a solo traveller!
Hi Nisha
Writing you after long time I guess..How have you been??
I have been to Kathmandu / Pokhra and then I went to Goa recently to celebrate X-MAS & NEW YEAR with my cousins and to be honest it was amazing there..Parties, Beaches..Women 😛 lol
I mean all over it was great. My idea for next trip is going to Spain in August!
Let me know if you wanna company me 😉
my oh my !! What a lady you are? Here’s a fellow traveller who travels with his family embarking on a journey in your virtual world to see the real world through your lens and words!!
Lately I have taken to travelling alone, it’s wonderful, one can take things at ones pace….but in several parts I found people wondering what I was doing…all alone…
But apart from that, the freedom is amazing, things certainly are better than, say a decade ago.
Perhaps, I can get some tips, you have travelled soooo much!
Hello Nisha,
Its feels nice to know about you and your travels as I have been a solo women traveler myself. Just been to very few places unlike you. I am mostly to Dharamshala, Mc loenj. Its a beautiful place. I am sure you have been there.
I was just like you vivacious to the core but now bit mellowed down as could not find a good travel friend.
Thanks and warm wishes
Wowww, I was searching for someone like you for a long long time! So glad to have finally found your blog 🙂 I did my first solo trip to Cambodia recently and absolutely loved it! Will be doing more and there is so much to take as inspiration from you! 🙂
Glad to know you too! 🙂
Went through your blog and it’s so lively!
So, you’ve become an editor of a Travel Magazine? That’s an achievement. I am just a freelance travel writer till now. 🙂
Thanks for lovely words. Hope you find the stories motivating enough to pack your bags. 🙂
Hey, how have you been? 🙂
See, how busy and lazy I am. One of the reasons being slow is that I also broke my right wrist. 🙁
Ha Ha
Spain is a beautiful country. Which all places are you planning to visit? Let me know if you need any info. Have been twice there & would be going there again.
Thanks for asking. 😛
Happy Travels.
Subu PS,
Travelling with family is also fun. Isn’t it?
I am glad that I could take you on virtual travels. 😀
Where have you been off late?
Glad to know it. Welcome to solo travelers clan. 🙂
Where have you been travelling to? That kind of strange looks “What am I doing all alone” is mostly in India. In other countries it’s immaterial.
You’ll gain experience as you travel more. 🙂
Hello there!
Thanks for your kind words.
Oh dear, I haven’t been to the places you’ve mentioned. The world is too big to cover in one lifetime.
No travel friend? Let’s travel together sometime. 🙂
I am glad you found me. 😛
I guess I inspired many women to go solo to Cambodia. I know of atleast 7 such girls who asked me tips & then went there. 🙂
Do let us know when you go again for a solo trip.
Good going !!!
I wish more and more people follow their heart and explore the world !!!
Knowing & experiencing the beauty of the universe .. I believe , we were born for that sole reason …
Best Luck ..
Hope we’ll meet !! 🙂 tc..
Keep exploring .. keep enjoying ..
Welcome here.
Thank you and Amen to that. 🙂
Keep coming.
Hello Nisha,
Sent you long email using the contact section but got very funny msgs after clicking send.
Please check if you received anything from us or will send it again.
It is great to get in touch with you, still wondering how you found our recent post?
No I haven’t received that long mail that got you some funny messages. 🙂
Pls send it again.
Sorry for you to take the trouble again.
You are amazing !
I am so much fond of travelling !
I also want to explore the world and see different cultures, different people, and different places .
I have just become your big fan !
Best wishes to you !
Travelling indeed opens our eyes in many ways. It teaches us many, many things. I am glad I chose travel to learn. 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Keep coming and let’s see & explore the world together. 🙂
Did you get an email this time?
Yes, I got it this time. It deserves a long reply, so have marked it. Just short of time at this moment. 🙂
Hello there!
Long time no talking shalking..though i have been reading you often.
Kathmandu was great, after that i have been to Rishikesh twice (just for relaxing on weekends..nothing big so far)
I am taking my next trip with my Girl next week to Darjeeling for a week, i sort of get bore traveling alone, or maybe i have never done it just imagining the “feeling of left alone”. Is that so? or you do enjoy?
Will post some pics of Darjeeling soon on Instagram.!
Whats new at your end?
Yes, a very long time !! 😀
Well, At times I wish I wasn’t with my man. 😛 I feel more free.
Please share your Instagram id and of course the pictures. 🙂
I have been traveling. Last 2 months saw me going to Spain, Israel, Palestine, Abu Dhabi and tonight I fly to Thailand. 😀
Keep in touch, Ravi.
Hi Nisha,
Amazing stuff there !
Such a lot of solo travel and accomplishments – amazing!
I have travelled quite a bit but never alone.
I have contemplated it many times but never really gotten there.
I have recently ditched my 9-7 job and deciding.
What is the single biggest travel challenge for solo women?
Would love to hear from you!
Thank you very much and welcome to my den.
Well, it differs from person to person. What do you think yours would be? 🙂
Keep coming.
My name is Kavita and I live in Berlin. I cant sponsor your trip but for sure when you come you can stay at our place and we can show you around. I also enjoy to travel as well. And whenever I have possibility to travel I do. The recent trip was to Iceland. It was amazing. I have also seen many cities in Europe till now. I can share more if you are interested.
Happy traveling and greetings from Berlin.
That’s so kind of you. Thank you very much for your offer. I might take it up one day… especially the showing me around part. 😀
We have quite a few friends in Europe in different countries and all of them have been asking us to visit them.
Now, if only we can plan ….
Just a query …. how did you stumble upon my blog? Just curious to know.
Keep coming here, Kavita.
And thanks again.
Hello ma’am, everyone admires your work and your will, we all wish to travel the world, but since you are on it, I would like to suggest I-Camp Resort to be next on your list. We at I-Camp resort would love to serve you best. Have a great year ahead. Thanks.
Let me have some time on hand. I’d definitely like to try out this.
hey nisha,
I’m liked your blog so much.. I read all the comments too and it was very interesting..
I’m 24y old n have jus graduated out of a medical school.
I like solo travelling a lot n would be very nice if u would share a few tips n places to start with.
jus wanted to chat wit you sometime n ask a few suggestions
so, pls do ping me at my mail id.
once again, loved your blog<3
keep traveling 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words.
Start with a place you are familiar with in terms of language, geography, food style etc. Gain some confidence and move ahead.
I’ll be writing a separate exclusive post about these tips. Keep checking.:)
Thanks again.
Hi nisha I stumbled upon your blog and am quite inspired by it. Please visit my blog and if possible opine. I would love to be in your shoes someday 🙂
Welcome to my blog. 🙂
Thanks for your kind words. 🙂
And I visited your page as well.
Hi Nisha,
I stumbled upon your blog and am quite inspired by it.
You are one brave girl ! I love the way you travel and would want to do the same one day. The risk of leaving job doesnt allow me to do so.
Any tips how can I leave my job?
Thank you for your kind words.
Well, I can’t give you any tips on how to leave the job. Just put in your papers!!
Having said that, it takes lots of courage, and thought before you finally do it. 🙂
Hii Nisha,
I must say u r an inspiration for us newbees.
Will follow you religiously.
Keep traveling and keep sharing the world with us.
Best regards,
Welcome aboard. And thanks for nice words. 🙂
Keep traveling.
I salute two ladies who are really a big big Ghumakkar. One you and another …..any guess ? 🙂
Please please, pretty please do not make me guess. 🙂
Spill the beans NOW.
Wow Attagirl! I am thoroughly inspired by you! Stumbled upon your blog & now I’ll be regular. Tried counting but failed. How w many countries have you travelled to? :O
Thank you for kind words.
How many countries?
No, I don’t count places, I count my memories. 😀
Anyway, you can check here to have an idea. 🙂 https://lemonicks.com/Travel/places/
She is in your friend list 🙂
The first name that occurred to me was that only. Then I thought you might be referring to someone else. 🙂
Am I wrong ????
Both of u r really a big Ghumakkar 🙂
You are very kind Mahesh. 🙂
Wonderful. You are an inspiration for many of us.
Rajeev Kumar,
Thank you.
Hi Nisha,
I looked through your blog. I like the way your blog is, little bit of everything right there! And…I very much envy you for that awesome Around the World list 🙂 … but then again, am just 23 now, hopefully I’ll be able to put a few destinations down too! 🙂
Thank you.
I wish you a life full of travel. 😀
Just met you yesterday, that led me to this page.
And my reaction was just … wow! I am very lucky to know you 😀
Hi Arif,
Thanks for your kind words.
You are such a nice person to know. I wish we had more time for more fun.
Remember our Shah Rukh Khan pose? 😀
Next time when we meet we should greet that way.
I happened to reach your blog through FB and a post on Bandung
Iam also a blogger ,a physician and alove travelling and photography
my appreciations
Dr Harimohan,
Thank you so much and welcome to my blog.
Hi Nisha
I accidentally come to know about your website while searching for the details of VOF as i am planing to visit there in mid June. Your site is mind blowing and full of details as every one required for his/her tour. I read your full profile and feel good that there are such a nice people like you traveling around the world and providing this vast information to everyone. Basically i am a Photographer and a traveler also.
Welcome here and thank you for your kind words. I am humbled.
I am sorry for replying late, too many things on hand. 🙂
Nice to meet you too. Let me know if I can help in anyway.
Meanwhile I have a Facebook page, have a look. 🙂
Keep coming.
Incredible World!!!
I am also a travel enthusiast and now one of your fans.
Welcome to my den. 🙂
And thank you. Hopping to your blog now.
Great! Congratulations!
Yash Kumar,
Thank you.
Stumbled upon your site just now, Nisha! I already follow you on Twitter but hadn’t read your posts 🙂 (honest confession) Loving it all! Keep travelling!
Thank you very much.
Keep reading & I’ll take you places virtually. 🙂
Hi Nisha,
Just discovered your blog and am reading with great interest. While I am building my own blog around luxury travel experiences, I’m sure I can learn a great deal from your very successful blog.
I’m based in Mumbai for part of the year so if you are ever free for a cup of chai then Id love to meet up!
Regards Sue
Thanks for dropping by.
Sure, we can meet up over a cup of chai. Where do you stay?
Just went and saw the yahoo video on you. It is wonderful! Loved your approach to travel-interesting, unique, offbeat!
Thank you so much for your kind words Rajeev.
I am humbled.
Hi Nisha,
Let me tell you it is quite amazing to see your website and phenomenal work done by you as travel blogger. Kudos on your rare accomplishments.
Hi Bienu,
Thank you so much.
Keep coming and encouraging me. 🙂 It was lovely meeting you the other day.
Hi Nisha;
Your blog is so fascinating; I look forward to reading many, many posts.
Thank you so much for stopping by mine. I am new to this field, so it means a lot to me.
Really appreciate it:)
Hi Rashmi,
Thank you very much.
Keep coming and keep traveling the world with me. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Nisha Ji,
Anita told me about your website & blogging.
I am a travel-addict and have travelled majority of countries in the world.
I am still trying to travel almost once every 6 weeks.
I have enjoyed your website.
Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy travel.
Hi Anil ji,
So glad to see you here. 😀 It’s a pleasant surprise!
Oh, that’s awesome to know that you also like to travel. Great minds think alike? 😛
Thank you very much for dropping by.
In few days we will go river cruising for 14 days ( Scenic cruise – Amsterdam to Basel).
Looking forward to this.
Anil Jha
We are sure you would have enjoyed every moment of it. Please do let us know your experience.
Your Blog is wonderful!
I agree that posting valuable comments, respecting other readers, and showing your face will boost the chances of getting you comments approved faster, and also build a good online reputation…
Hi Nisha,
I just came across your website, while surfing about Indian bloggers in general. As an amateur blogger myself, I must admit that you have inspired me in a way today. I’m quite intrigued by your experiences and approach towards travel.
Here’s wishing more power to you!
Best wishes,
Thanks for sharing your detailed info. I love traveling very much.