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Sometimes losing money is fun !

Sometimes losing money is fun !

Casino! This word generally conjures up images from Las Vegas. The glittering lights and world famous shows, not to mention the best gambling and gaming dens.

Gambling probably is as old as civilization itself. My Indian friends may remember the events that lead to the Kurukshetra War (as per Mahabharata).
I do believe that gambling and games are quite related. In fact any activity that has the tendency to have an uncertainty in their result is a potential candidate for gambling. These days we have people betting on results of any game or sport.

First time I entered a casino was in Nepal. Back then, rules were strange there. Locals were not allowed inside ! Anyway, we made some money and lost some, all in all we were in plus! It was enjoyable and we were amused to see a lot of people enjoying losing money. 😉

Second time it was even more enjoyable since I lost much money ! It was in Lugano, Switzerland.
No, I wasn’t at fault. I distinctly remember it was because of the location, by the side of the lake overseen by full moon and booze flowing by the barrels. 😛
And after that a few more names were added to my list of having fun in losing money. 😛
Casino industry is still nascent in India. The law prohibits gambling. I know of one that operates aboard a yacht, in Goa, India! I surely don’t know what loophole in the law was exploited.

World over different countries have different view on gambling and casino. From prohibition to controlled to less-controlled. Most casinos in terms of number and revenues are located in the USA. And Most in a single city is Macau in China and followed closely by Las Vegas, USA.
So next time you want to lose money, book cheap flights to Las Vegas or Macau or France etc.

Hey Dealer, here is the double.
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