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Smiling Taiwan

A lot of people visit Taiwan only for Taipei 101. It is an extremely popular tourist attraction. That, plus entry ticket of NT$1000 (Approx. INR 2000); the budget traveler in me had almost decided against visiting it. In the end better sense prevailed and I took a metro to Taipei 101. I can never regret visiting it. I am yet to write about the place but here is something else about it.

smiling taiwan

Smiling Taiwan. That is how

Looking back at Year 2014

Looking back at Year 2014

I know it’s so cliche to reflect back on the year that was, but it’s something we all think is important to do. It is that time again to look back and see how enriching our walk has been. These walks, these journeys opened a new horizon in front of me and helped me see the world with diverse perceptions.
As I always say, I count my memories, not places and I am happy that my travel memories are far more and better than the destinations.


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