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The Year That Was 2011

The Year That Was 2011
Another year. Another set of to-dos. And a time to look back and take stock …
Yes, I know I am late to do this post but by only a few days and since I am travelling, I can be excused. 😛

Sometimes we travel to too many places and at times we don’t have enough.
The year 2011 started in the Philippines. We celebrated our Christmas & new year in that country. Besides the capital Manila, we could explore some part of it but Batad was a place which left mark on my life. However, as I always say, any place on this earth can never be counted as ‘done’.

The year 2011 was not very good in terms of travel. There were always some issues cropping up and I had to cut short or cancel many trips either midway or before the start irrespective of the locale, foreign or Indian.
This time when I was about to leave India, my doctor, instead of telling, asked me “Are you fit to travel?”. So, that’s about it.

Anyway, I’ll let the pictures speak of the places I visited in the year 2011. I think I did more than this. If anyone of you recall, please let me know. I always think I have more memories than photos of a place.


Looks easy? It is world’s one of the most difficult places for hiking and any other rice terraces of any country are no match to it. Yes, I hiked & survived Batad ! That too during monsoons when the paths as wide as a few inches become very slippery. One slip and you are assured of a fall of at least 12 feet if not in the valleys. And yeah, I loved the younger generation of this small village..

Kuala Lumpur.

Kuala Lumpur is my base for travelling to South east Asian countries. I always travel Air-Asia for this sector and the airlines has a base at Kuala Lumpur. I always take a day or two off before embarking to another country. Now I am very familiar with this city, so much so that I can be treated as an unofficial guide. Ask me anything about Kuala Lumpur and I’ll be happy to help you out.


Natural wonder Nighoj potholes. This place needs to be seen to believe, a must see if you are in the vicinity. These beautifully shaped natural potholes are some of the largest in Asia according to geologists, but very few of us have even heard of them.

Kaas Plateau.

Vast expanse of flowers

If by any reason you can not visit the valley of flowers, visit this plateau instead. Will save you some physical effort and the effect is the same with vast expanse of flowers treating you with a sense of heaven.


I was invited to attend ‘Lavasa Women’s Drive’ event and review the Lavasa experience. The all expense paid two day trip to this ‘European’ town Lavasa was an opportunity to celebrate the spirit of modern woman in true sense.

Mysterious place. 🙂

Golden Pagoda. Can you tell me where it is?

Visit to Dubai is not only visits to shopping malls. There is much more to see.

At times we had some fun and adventures ….

… And some relaxation too.
This was again an invitation.

Rishikesh and Rudraprayag.

In spite of my high fever I loved the positive vibes of these two places. Later I was diagnosed with Pneumonia.

Morachi Chincholi.
A village of dancing peacocks.

Delhi trip is inevitable.

Visiting Dargah Sharif was a soothing experience.

Hiking and the toy trains made our days in Matheran.

Udaipur got just a half day from my adventurous run to Mumbai. 😛

Let me know if I missed some places here.

And here’s to a 2012 filled with more travels, adventures, and lots of fond memories for everyone!

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