Recently there was a furore in sections of print and non-print media about India being a Banana Republic and People of India being mango-people. Well, whatever be the truth, Mango or no-mango, it is always a great fun going bananas in the sea. 😀
Scene is set in Calangute Beach, Goa. There are plenty of activities to be done. Para-Sailing in the sea, inflatable of many shapes and sizes tied to boats etc. What took my fancy was this long inflatable contraption tied to a boat. There were sitting places and handles to hold but no harness.

A banana is being checked before going into the water.
“What is this?” I asked.
“This is Banana Ride, Ma’am”, Said the guy.
I wanted
to see some people ride it before trying myself. But no one was to be seen. We were probably the first.
“This is safe, no problem. It is fun ride Ma’am”, he said.
“No harnesses?”, said I. We were a bit apprehensive.
“No need at all” and with that he offered us life jackets. I thought I saw a sly smile creeping up his mouth. Well, maybe I was mistaken.
We wore the life jackets and “boarded” the Banana. And we were off!
All cameras and bags were kept with the ground staff; he was guided how to use our movie camera in case he wanted to. Later we came to know that he had captured our ride in it. 😀
What to say. It was indeed a great fun and I got over my initial apprehension. We were cruising like a pro in water and were enjoying, although it was slippery like the real banana peel. We had reached around 1/2 km away from the shore. Suddenly our boat made a sharp turn which sent us all flying into the water.
Whoa !
Even while airborne I understood the meaning of the boat guy’s expression!
Splash !
For a few seconds I could really see myself under the water, the bottom of the boat, legs of other people struggling to come up. And would you believe if I say that at that moment I was more worried about sharks than drowning myself?
But then we were really safe with the life jackets and we boarded the banana once again and asked for an encore!
Truly a Cinthol Alive is awesome bathing experience!
Enjoy our Banana ride in this video. It’s been edited to a smaller size. 🙂
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Mango people need such Banana rides! Beautiful experience. The Sea could have been shallow there.
Ha ha ha
Your comment made me laugh. 😀
So true!