The year 2009 is gone. It was satisfying as far as travel is concerned. Except for one or two, all places were new to me. Not many to count but observed and learnt a lot during the course.
And all these trips were personal trips, not work related.
It was Ratnagiri and Ganapatipule to begin with. Temples, forts and beaches greeted us with stories of their own.
Then it was Bangaluru. solo trip. Somehow I felt more uncomfortable in going
around in Bangaluru than any other south Indian cities.
Glass house… next time I’ll go during flower show
Chennai happened after that. Chennai has a special place. Also, local food and shopping for silk sarees never ceases there. 😀
With Chennai, it was Puducherry, the French town.
Then in summers it was again a solo 3 day trip to Hyderabad, my first to the city. I stayed in a hotel opposite railway station and had glorious time walking along the lake, negotiating with the autowalas and arguing with saviours of women.
In the end, last week there was a whirlwind trip to Delhi. Hopes for some more places could not materialize for various reasons.
Red Fort with tricolor at the top.. 😀
Besides these Indian places, two more countries were added. Mauritius and Malaysia.
Spending 5 days in Mauritius was awesome. If you go by time difference then it’s only 1:30 hours away from India but it took more than 18 hours to reach !
The flight was via Dubai with a long waiting period. Having already seen beautiful Dubai city, there was no charm in staying inside the airport this time.
In October it was Malaysia for a 12 day trip. I coaxed and sometimes forced V to do some unusual things, one example… staying in a dorm. 😛
Otherwise we both like trying local cuisines and transports and exploring places on foot.
Famous Petronas
I wish our new year 2010 is filled with more travel.
So, that was my travel story. What was yours ?
P.S.- I think I am forgetting some more places. I’ll add them as & when I remember. 😀